Thursday, December 29, 2005


OK, why not. It's almost 2006 and since I have NEVER been wrong, I offer all my wise readers a look into the year ahead. Why should I be the only one to have fun.

1) USC bets Texas 38-14 and earns it's third straight national championship.

2) The economy continues to improve defying the Cassandras in the Democratic Party and their running dogs in the MSM.

3) The DOW hits 12,000 by June and ends 2006 at 13,500.

4) Judge Alito will be confirmed and move the Court (finally) to the right).

5) The Iraqis will actually hagle together a government (this is the Middle east after all).

6) US troops will start to leave Iraq by Summer.

7) Interest rates will plateau during the Spring and then head down by the Fall.

8) Oil will drop to under $50 by April and to the mid 40s by Summer.

9) Pres. Bush will help the Republicans hold both houses of Congress, defying hopes of chowderhead Democrats and their running dogs in the MSM.

10) The Angels will win the American league pennant and go on to win the world series.

There they are. 10 can't miss predictions. All you need to know to get through 2006. Updates to follow as needed.


Been away for awhile with work, the holidays, yadda, yadda, yadda. But I couldn't resist this from Dr. Sanity's great site. A Christmas gift to all our liberal, leftwing, socialist, commie friends who think everybody is a victim (EXCEPT MIDDLE AGED WHITE GUYS) and America is to blame.



This brief guide is for those searching for an expedited pathway into the exalted status of Victimhood. Becoming a victim --as we all have learned from famous TV stars, prominent politicians; religions, races, and even nations--is an advantageous state of being in many ways, several of which are:

-You are not responsible for what happened to you
-You are always morally right
-You are not accountable to anyone for anything
-You are forever entitled to sympathy
-You are always justified in feeling moral indignation for being wronged
-You never have to be responsible again for anything

As you can see, these are some heavy-duty privileges; and they are not given to just anyone. This list is not exclusive. There are many benefits of Victimhood; and in our current society, new rewards are continuously being discovered! You, too, may be someone who blazes a new path for future victims!

The badge of victimhood must be "earned" (ha ha, just kidding!) by one of two methods: (1) Membership in a special "victim" class; or (2) having something bad actually happen to you. Method 1 is definitely is superior in every way since it eliminates the need for something bad to actually happen to you (as long as it once happened to someone like you--you are set); thus this method is preferable and automatically puts all sorts of celebrities and famous people on your side. They will not be concerned if you are a good person or a bad person; just as long as you meet the basic victimhood criteria.

You are probably tempted to ask what that basic criteria is for most famous people to support you? Here is a tip (keep it under your hat): most famous people--especially undeserving famous people (i.e., people who are famous not for any particular talent they have, but because they might have a good publicist, for example) have an intense need to feel that they are "champions of the oppressed." This relieves them of the pervasive feelings of guilt under which they must function. Hence, all you have to do is to convince them that you are "oppressed" by one of a number of usual "oppressors", and you are home free!

Here is a handy list of possible oppressors that can be used by almost anyone searching for victimhood status:

- caucasian, heterosexual males
- Republicans (either male or female)
- conservatives (either male or female)
- businessmen or women (commonly referred to as "little eichmanns")
- capitalists
- rich people
- Christians (particularly Republican or conservative)
- the U.S. Military (all services)
- Americans (as a general group)
- Israelis (Jews)

Read the whole thing.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Liberals never learn.

Muslims hate us because GW invaded Iraq. They attacked the World Trade Center because we support Israel. They hate Israel, because of the Palestinians.

On and and and on. It's always OUR fault they act act like animals.

Maybe they are just animals!

Maybe we should stop apologizing and kick their asses.

Why can't you learn from the French we heard.

Well maybe the French need to learn from us. Get rid of Chirac and his surrender monkey cronies.

Put in Sarkozy, decalre a curfew and start shooting some of the "misguided youths". Then deport the rest of the ungrateful bastards. Send them back to their hovels in Algeria. Or dump them in the Mediterranean. Whatever. Just get rid of the terrorist scum.

The sooner the better.

Sunday, November 06, 2005


So now our dear friends the French see the result of their appeasement of the practitioners of the religion of peace.

Instead of allowing this rioting to continue, the French government should 1) shoot to kill anyone out on the street after curfew and 2) put the whole motley crew of camel jockeys on a barge and ship them back to Tunisia. Just dump them on a beach there and let them survive on the goodwill and kindness of their Muslim brothers.

This would be a good time to remind everyone exactly who won the Battle of Poitiers. (Hint: It was not the people with sheets over their heads.)

Muslims have tried to invade Europe and displace Christianity for centuries. They were defeated. Now they are trying through immigration, high birthrates and living off the ridiculously generous social welfare programs of the stupid Western Europeans.

The Dutch have begun to figure it out, after the murder of Theo Van Gogh. The Brits are getting it after the London bombings. And now the French may start to learn something. One can only hope. Though there hasn't been a French leader worth a damn since Napoleon.

The attempt by Islamic terrorists to take over Christian Europe must be repulsed again.

Monday, October 31, 2005


Well at last the race is on. Bush finally picked a true blue conservative and of course the Dems are screaming. I love it.
Forget Sam Alito is an experienced appellate judge or is an intellectually heavyweight.
Forget that. He opposes killing babies in their mother's womb so he is a priori unfit. He will threaten our hard fought freedom to exterminate whelps from irresponsible narcissistic gum snapping sap heads.
Yeah, he's a problem. Plus he's a middle aged WHITE GUY. Holy crap. What was Bush thinking?
I say bring on the radical left wing Democrats like Shumer, Boxer, Reid, et. al. I hope you choke on it. 

Sunday, September 11, 2005


For all those liberals, Democratics and left wing members of the MSM incapable of knowing the truth or determined to deny it. Courtesy of Pajama Media.

Look at that destruction, that massive, senseless, cruel loss of human life ... and then I ask you to look in your hearts and recognize that there is no room for neutrality on the issue of terrorism. You're either with civilization or with terrorists.

On one side is democracy, the rule of law, and respect for human life; on the other is tyranny, arbitrary executions, and mass murder.

We're right and they're wrong. It's as simple as that.

-- Rudy Giulani, October 1, 2001

Sunday, September 04, 2005


The Chief Justice has died after a courageous fight against Thyroid cancer.

He was a remarkable force on the Court, helping to restore some balance after the leftward radicalism of the Warren court. He was a constitutionalist and a Federalist. He believed each branch of government had a specific constitutional role and fought against the forces who tried to ususrp the judiaciary's proper and historical function.

The President now has an opportunity to nominate a replacement to lead the Court into the 21st Century. He should choose a conservative like Rehnquist.

I nominate Justice Scalia. He is the best writer and the best legal mind to serve on the Supreme Court in 100 years.


I have been riveted by the news from New Orleans over the past several days, like everyone else. Incredible tragedy mixed with heroism. Such is the power of the immense power of nature.
Now as things begin to settle down, however, we naturally slide into the unseemly world of human nature. Politics, criminality, finger pointing, excuses and just plain nonsense.

For example, take the nonsense being spewed by the governor of Louisiana and the mayor of New Orleans. Both of whom, had primary responsibility before, during and after the storm to protect their people but failed. They both lash out at Pres. Bush and the feds. Of course. They are Democrats and he is a Republican. However as even the left wing, Bush hating Washington Post points out:

Behind the scenes, a power struggle emerged, as federal officials tried to wrest authority from Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Babineaux Blanco (D). Shortly before midnight Friday, the Bush administration sent her a proposed legal memorandum asking her to request a federal takeover of the evacuation of New Orleans, a source within the state's emergency operations center said Saturday.

The administration sought unified control over all local police and state National Guard units reporting to the governor. Louisiana officials rejected the request after talks throughout the night, concerned that such a move would be comparable to a federal declaration of martial law. Some officials in the state suspected a political motive behind the request. "Quite frankly, if they'd been able to pull off taking it away from the locals, they then could have blamed everything on the locals," said the source, who does not have the authority to speak publicly.

A senior administration official said that Bush has clear legal authority to federalize National Guard units to quell civil disturbances under the Insurrection Act and will continue to try to unify the chains of command that are split among the president, the Louisiana governor and the New Orleans mayor.

Louisiana did not reach out to a multi-state mutual aid compact for assistance until Wednesday, three state and federal officials said. As of Saturday, Blanco still had not declared a state of emergency, the senior Bush official said.

She STILL HASN'T DECLARED A STATE OF EMERGENCY!!! Exactly what is she waiting for? It is just the usual blame game. LIES!

Then we have some no name loser on a what is supposed to be fundraiser, opening his stupid mouth and letting his ignorance flow out by claiming GW hates black people. Where did they find this example of an urban low life crack head?What an asshole.

Then we have the BIG LIE that stealing big screens and shooting at rescue helicopters is to be expected from people who have been abused by American racism.

HELLO! These scumbags were criminals before Katrina and are now. They are responsible for N.O. having one of the highest murder rates in the country and have preyed on their neighbors for years.

The storm only gave them more opportunity to succumb to their criminal inclinations. They do not need sympathy or water or a jobs program. They just need to be shot. Hopefully the national guard brought plenty of live ammo.

Finally, we have the incredibly stupid remarks by a German Minister and our very own Bobby Kennedy Jr. claiming it's all Bush's fault because he didn't sign Kyoto. Global warming don't you know.

Perhaps someone can tell these geniuses that the Southeastern U.S. is prone to hurricanes this time of year. Has been for millions of years. Well before the SUV. SHEESH!

Thursday, August 25, 2005


This is from an email I received. It appears to have been originated by a Shawn Moore, whom I do not know. But wherever you are Shawn, Cheers!

Most Syrians struggle to even read Arabic - much less have a clue about English.

So, how does a group of Syrian protest leaders create the most impact with their signs by having the standard "Death To Americans"(etc.) slogans printed in English? Answer: They simply hire an English-speaking civilian to translate and write their statements in English.

Unfortunately, they were unaware the "civilian" insurance company employee hired for the job was a retired US Army sergeant. Obviously, pictures of the protest rally never made their way through the Arab TV network, but the results were "Priceless".

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


From Atlas Shrugs:

Dear Abby,
My husband is a liar and a cheat. He has cheated on me from the beginning, and when I confront him, he denies everything. What's worse, everyone knows he cheats on me. It is so humiliating.
Also, since he lost his job three years ago he hasn't even looked for a new one. All he does is buy cigars and cruise around and jokes with his pals, while I have to work to pay the bills.
Since our daughter went away to college he doesn't even pretend to like me and hints that I am a lesbian. What should I do?


Dear Clueless:

Grow up and dump him. For Pete's sake, you don't need him anymore, you're a United States Senator from New York, act like it.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


From Drudge:

65 Girls At Ohio High School Pregnant...
Maybe they should check the water. Or the boys.

Sunday, August 21, 2005


In his usual indisputable style, Mark Steyn gets it right. Read the whole article.

If a 13-year-old wants to have an abortion, that's her decision and her parents shouldn't get a look-in. If a 21-year-old wants to drop to the broadloom in Bill Clinton's Oval Office, she's a grown woman and free to do what she wants. But, if a 22- or 25- or 37-year-old is serving his country overseas, he's a wee "child" who isn't really old enough to know what he's doing.

Saturday, August 06, 2005


My daughter has a Minolta Dimage X. Great little camera. Very small. Slips in a shirt pocket and takes excellent pictures even though it's only 2 megapixels. (It's 2-3 years old).

However, after using it at a recent event, it has stopped working. Just won't come to life. Tried recharging the battery. Even replaced it. Nothing. It has not been abused or damaged.

So what gives? I'd rather not have to send it to Minolta for repairs that would probably cost $100+. I would probably be better off buying a new one. But I hate to see a nice piece of equipment just tossed.

Anybody have similar problems? Any solutions? Any thoughts?

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


"There are days when it takes all you've got just to keep up with the losers."

- Robert Orben

Thursday, July 21, 2005


Now this is cute. A Republican teacher is forced to leave her job because a Democratic principal dislikes her politics. I guess the First Amendment only applies to tolerant, radical, abortion loving Jackasses, er Democrats. What hypocrites!

Plus, the principal is married to a NY State Assemblyman from Brooklyn!

Here is a suggested campaign poster for Mr. and Mrs." The Constitution is for everyone who agrees with me".

The teacher is suing the idiot principal and the school district.


Sunday, July 17, 2005


Leave it to Mark Steyn:

What's this really about? It's not difficult. A big chunk of the American elites have decided there is no war; it's all a racket got up by Bush and Cheney. And, even if there is a war somewhere or other, wherever it is, it's not where Bush says it is. Iraq is a ''distraction'' from Afghanistan -- and, if there were no Iraq, Afghanistan would be a distraction from Niger, and Niger's a distraction from Valerie Plame's next photo shoot for Vanity Fair.

Friday, July 08, 2005


From the

They are spot on. Scroll to the bottom.

Pictures From Iraq:
Too Shocking & Graphic for The Mainstream Media


You will not see these pictures in Time, Newsweek, and the New York Times!

Why? Scroll to the bottom...


Headlines you won't ever see...
Photos that will never make the news...

Because they might dampen the spirit
of these selfless fighters supported by our patriotic media:

Reply with quote


No comment needed:


Senator Durbin apologizes to Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot

Germany rebuilds Berlin Wall to spite Bush

Homosexuality found on other planets

UN: World has 15 years to stop capitalism

Proctologist puts finger on causes of liberalism

France : another day without surrender

Survey shows men who work more earn more. Liberal economists baffled

Researchers: abortion not as much fun as previously thought

Thursday, July 07, 2005


In the aftermath of the London bombings, it is ineveitable we will hear liberal wailing how it's all the fault of the US. It's already begun on NPR.

These left wing fools do not deserve any attention. Exactly whom do they think the Jihadists will go after if we appease them?

Their stated aim is do rid society of Western filth like women without chadors, homosexuals, Christians, Hindus, Jews, artists, music and anything not from the 8th century.

These supposed "liberals" don't understand it is THEM the murdering bastards want. Just like Hitler and every other totalitarian regime in history. That is why these pigs are called Islamo-fascists.

The true defenders of Western liberalism and pluralisim are not the pontificating losers on the left. The true heros are Bush and Blair. Like Churchill and Reagan before them, these two leaders are the foundation of our ultimate victory.

Today we mourn with our true friends the Brits.


Friday, June 17, 2005


No, not the end of time or the end of the world. Nothing so apocalyptic.

Rather, the corruption of our so-called education system, which substitutes left wing ideology for facts and truth.

David Gelernter has a great piece in the Los Angeles Times (go figure) that explains the need to bypass the useless drivel shoveled on students in our schools and actually teach them what this country is about and why it matters.

Or they might all grow up to be as stupid as Senators Boxer, Durbin, Reid, Kennedy, etc.

Saturday, June 04, 2005


Three very good articles by three very good writers which cogently explain the reasons for Europe's decline despite enjoying the fruits of the Pax Americana.

Thomas Friedman, Victor Hansen Davis and Gerard Baker at their best.

Check out for more.


Don't miss the US News excerpt from author Douglas Brinkley's book "The Boys of Pointe du Hoc: Ronald Reagan, D-Day, and the U.S. Army 2nd Ranger Battalion."

The RR legend only grows brighter.

Friday, June 03, 2005


CNN and Money magazine polled airline customers to find the 10 best.

Of course, no US carriers. And the usual Asian and Gulf airlines are represented. But British? Don't get it. Although they do have fast baggage service since they always lose it.


Hopefully it is true. If this report is correct and he had intestinal injuries, then he hopefully also suffered a slow agonizing death.

Now bin laden.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005


It seems the former #2 man at the FBI has outed himself as "Deep Throat" of Watergate infamy. According to reports:

A grandson, Nick Jones, read a statement. "The family believes that my grandfather, Mark Felt Sr., is a great American hero who went well above and beyond the call of duty at much risk to himself to save his country from a horrible injustice," it said. "We all sincerely hope the country will see him this way as well."

Well actually no. We see it as treason.

Of course, if you listen a little longer the truth comes out. His daughter is quoted as saying maybe now the family can cash in to pay their kid's college bills.

Heroic? Don't insult us.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005


Zarquawi is injured and may be dying according to various reports.

THE terrorist mastermind Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, wanted for some of the most devastating attacks in Iraq, is injured and may be dying, according to a message posted yesterday on an Islamic website sympathetic to his cause.

His criminal al-Qaida organization in Iraq has asked for prayers.

I think I shall pray. I pray he either dies a long, painful, excruciating death from his injuries. Or I pray he stays alive long enough for our troops to find and execute him.

Either way.


It seems the Eurozone folks are beginning to feel the effects of their own misbegotten policies.

As opposed to the dynamic US economy, the overtaxed, over regulated Euro economies are suffering. France is about to reject the EU constitution and the German Chancellor has had to call elections. The dollar is surging, to the dismay of speculators (take that Warren Buffet), and the price of oil is dropping.

Of course they could have avoided all this shock and awe had they read ThermBlog a few months ago when this was all predicted with great prescience.

Sunday, May 22, 2005


We've come to expect outlandish nonsense from those in the so-called entertainment industry, especially at self congratulatory events like the Cannes Film Festival, but this takes the cake.

Danish director LARS VON TRIER shocked crowds at the CANNES FILM FESTIVAL yesterday (18MAY05), when he branded US President GEORGE W BUSH "an a**hole" and launched into a bitter tirade against globalisation.

The DANCER IN THE DARK film-maker, who has been promoting his new film MANDERLAY at the movie showcase, hit out when he was asked why his movies take an anti-American stance.

Von Trier said, "Mr Bush is an a**hole. So much in Denmark is American. We are a nation under influence.

"America fills about 60 per cent of my brain. So, in fact, I am American.

"But I can't go there to vote and I can't change anything, because I am from a small country. So that is why I make films about America."

So, it's America's fault this a**hole that nobody has ever heard of can't stop making insulting tripe that nobody will ever see about the only country willing to defend his right to produce this manure.

Oh, now I get it.

Saturday, May 21, 2005


Let me get this right.

Newsweek publishes an untrue story that inflames a bunch of maniacal zealots to kill a bunch of innocent people to protest the US treatment of terrorists.

Meanwhile, in self same zealot's homelands, carrying a Bible (let alone flushing it down a toilet) is grounds for death. And these folks have a wonderful history of burning Bibles and other religious items sacred to Jews and Christians (not to mention desecrating temples and churches).

And the world wants investigations and apologies from US.


How about ....well I guess you get the point.

Thursday, May 19, 2005


Does anyone realy take the Democrats serioulsy in this judical filibuster debate?

Put aside the lunatic left led by Boxer, Kennedy, Clinton et. al. And the just plain lunatic Byrd.

The leader of the Dems, Sen. Reid seems to reach farther and farther to make a point of non-sequitor.

His argument is basically "We are for democracy so that's why we want the minority to thwart the will of the majority." Earth to Reid: You and your gang have lost every national election since 1994, except for Bill Clinton's solitary reelection.

Perhaps the will of the people has been expressed and your dictatorial cohorts ought to step aside.


Jonah Goldberg has an article today quoting research from the Pew Center. Goldberg's main point is the "Europeanization" of certain elements of American society.

Here's a snippet. Guess who's who:

According to the Pew Center, the less you like to fly the American flag, the more likely it is you are Democrat. The more you think hard work and personal initiative aren’t the ticket to the good life, the more likely you are to be a Democrat. The more you believe the United Nations is a better steward of international relations, while America is a negative actor on the world stage, the more likely you are to be a Democrat. The more you believe that the government is there to help, the more likely it is you are Democrat. The less seriously you take religion, the more likely you are to be a Democrat. Flip all of these values around and the more likely it is you are a Republican — or that you vote that way.
Where is your flag? And is it European or American?

Friday, April 29, 2005


Been away for a couple weeks but I'm finally getting a grip on things, so here we are.

Kept up on news events particularly the fight over judicial appointments in the Senate. What a load. I am tired of both sides. The Dems reach new heights of hypocrisy every time their so called leaders speak. But at least I expect nothing from them.

Sen. Frist and GOPs, however, frustrate the hell out of me. Perhaps they forgot who won the election. They dance around this "save the filibuster or plunge into tyranny" nonsense rather than call it the extra-constitutional crap that it is.

The constitution says the Senate shall advise and consent. It says by a majority. Not a super majority of 60.

And yet the GOP won't pull the trigger and expose the lies flowing from the DEMs.


Did you here his latest drivel? You would think the filibuster rules were handed down to Moses. Rather than a Democratic invention of the 18th Century to protect their racist KKK brethren and deny blacks equal rights.

Big mouth Al and his co-hort liars are in good company.

Of course, the KKK and other lovers of democracy were a bit more temperate than BIG AL.

Thursday, March 24, 2005


As usual, Peggy Noonan makes the point much better than I can:

I do not understand the emotionalism of the pull-the-tube people. What is driving their engagement? Is it because they are compassionate, and their hearts bleed at the thought that Mrs. Schiavo suffers? But throughout this case no one has testified that she is in persistent pain, as those with terminal cancer are.

If they care so much about her pain, why are they unconcerned at the suffering caused her by the denial of food and water? And why do those who argue for Mrs. Schiavo's death employ language and imagery that is so violent and aggressive? The chairman of the Democratic National Committee calls Republicans "brain dead." Michael Schiavo, the husband, calls House Majority Leader Tom DeLay "a slithering snake."

Everyone who has written in defense of Mrs. Schiavo's right to live has received e-mail blasts full of attacks that appear to have been dictated by the unstable and typed by the unhinged. On Democratic Underground they crowed about having "kicked the sh-- out of the fascists." On Tuesday James Carville's face was swept with a sneer so convulsive you could see his gums as he damned the Republicans trying to help Mrs. Schiavo. It would have seemed demonic if he weren't a buffoon.

Why are they so committed to this woman's death?

They seem to have fallen half in love with death.

What does Terri Schiavo's life symbolize to them? What does the idea that she might continue to live suggest to them?

Why does this prospect so unnerve them? Again, if you think Terri Schiavo is a precious human gift of God, your passion is explicable. The passion of the pull-the-tube people is not.

I do not understand their certainty. I don't "know" that any degree of progress or healing is possible for Terri Schiavo; I only hope they are. We can't know, but we can "err on the side of life." How do the pro-death forces "know" there is no possibility of progress, healing, miracles? They seem to think they know. They seem to love the phrases they bandy about: "vegetative state," "brain dead," "liquefied cortex."

I do not understand why people who want to save the whales (so do I) find campaigns to save humans so much less arresting. I do not understand their lack of passion. But the save-the-whales people are somehow rarely the stop-abortion-please people.

The PETA people, who say they are committed to ending cruelty to animals, seem disinterested in the fact of late-term abortion, which is a cruel procedure performed on a human.

I do not understand why the don't-drill-in-Alaska-and-destroy-its-prime-beauty people do not join forces with the don't-end-a-life-that-holds-within-it-beauty people.

I do not understand why those who want a freeze on all death penalty cases in order to review each of them in light of DNA testing--an act of justice and compassion toward those who have been found guilty of crimes in a court of law--are uninterested in giving every last chance and every last test to a woman whom no one has ever accused of anything.

There are passionate groups of women in America who decry spousal abuse, give beaten wives shelter, insist that a woman is not a husband's chattel. This is good work. Why are they not taking part in the fight for Terri Schiavo? Again, what explains their lack of passion on this? If Mrs. Schiavo dies, it will be because her husband, and only her husband, insists she wanted to, or would want to, or said she wanted to in a hypothetical conversation long ago. A thin reed on which to base the killing of a human being.

The pull-the-tube people say, "She must hate being brain-damaged." Well, yes, she must. (This line of argument presumes she is to some degree or in some way thinking or experiencing emotions.) Who wouldn't feel extreme sadness at being extremely disabled? I'd weep every day, wouldn't you? But consider your life. Are there not facets of it, or facts of it, that make you feel extremely sad, pained, frustrated, angry? But you're still glad you're alive, aren't you? Me too. No one enjoys a deathbed. Very few want to leave.


Why is it the people most strident in their attempt to kill Terry Schiavo are the same ones who hold vigils for felons convicted of the most egregious crimes as they face the death penalty?

Why is the life of an innocent woman who cannot speak for herself less valuable than that of a miscreant who has caused incalculable pain to society and had the benefit of due process?

And why do we suffer judges who are so keen on legal process and blind to justice?

Somethng has to change.

Friday, March 18, 2005


Daffy Sen. Barbara Boxer shows why we don't have senators for life. Her grasp of the Constitution is simply indescribable. Here she is at a rally railing against following the Constitutionally mandated approach to selecting new federal judges. Didn't she take an oath to uphold the Constitution? (Ed. - Oh yes, I forgot.)

Why would we give lifetime appointments to people who earn up to $200,000 a year, with absolutely a great retirement system, and all the things all Americans wish for, with absolutely no check and balance except that one confirmation vote? So we're saying we think you ought to get nine votes over the 51 required. That isn't too much to ask for such a superimportant position. There ought to be a super vote. Don't you think so? It's the only check and balance on these people. They're in for life. They don't stand for election like we do, which is scary.

No Senator. You're the one who's scary.


Is there anybody better than Krauthammer?

A leftist judge in Spain orders the arrest of a pathetic, near-senile Gen. Augusto Pinochet eight years after he's left office, and becomes a human rights hero -- a classic example of the left morally grandstanding in the name of victims of dictatorships long gone. Yet for the victims of contemporary monsters still actively killing and oppressing -- Khomeini and his successors, the Assads of Syria and, until yesterday, Hussein and his sons -- nothing. No sympathy. No action. Indeed, virulent hostility to America's courageous and dangerous attempt at rescue.

The international left's concern for human rights turns out to be nothing more than a useful weapon for its anti-Americanism. Jeane Kirkpatrick pointed out this selective concern for the victims of U.S. allies (such as Chile) 25 years ago. After the Cold War, the hypocrisy continues. For which Arab people do European hearts burn? The Palestinians. Why? Because that permits the vilification of Israel -- an outpost of Western democracy and, even worse, a staunch U.S. ally. Championing suffering Iraqis, Syrians and Lebanese offers no such satisfaction. Hence, silence.

Until now. Now that the real Arab street has risen to claim rights that the West takes for granted, the left takes note. It is forced to acknowledge that those brutish Americans led by their simpleton cowboy might have been right. It has no choice. It is shamed. A Lebanese, amid a sea of a million other Lebanese, raises a placard reading "Thank you, George W. Bush," and all that Euro-pretense, moral and intellectual, collapses.

Monday, March 14, 2005


Weeks of rain can do more than just stall Los Angeles traffic and create rivers of mud.

It can also create an explosion of wildflowers. And no where better than in Death Valley.

For those unfortunate enough to live east of the Rockies, you have never seen anything like the desert in bloom. Highly recommended,

Monday, February 14, 2005


Well Eason Jordan is gone and now the search for the perps begins. For the MSM, that means those (we) nasty bloggers. You know who you are, you red state, bible thumping knuckle draggers. All you wild eyed conservatives who insist on the truth. Unlike our dear departed brother Mr. Jordan who made that off-hand comment about our servicmen being muderers. Yeah that one.

Michelle Malkin neatly exposes the plan of attack by the MSM purveyors of "all the news that's FIT to print."

Wednesday, February 09, 2005


As something of a student of history, I have always felt there was a critical distinction between how Americans (the "New World") and Europeans (the "Old World") approach things. As much as I admired the history of past European empires (Greece, Rome, Britain, etc.), it always seemed that America was the true heir to those great civilizations. Modern Europe lost its cajones somewhere after Napeolean arrived. Europeans always seem to seek accomodation rather than stand up for principle. Perhaps this is unexpected, as you can't keep killing each other for 5,000 years and not see some weakening of the gene pool.

In any event, it remained a pet theory of mine but one which seems valid. But now it has found voice from a prominent European business leader. BSPOLITIX.BLOG reports that Matthias Dapfner, Chief Executive of German publisher Axel Springer AG recently wrote a peice in DIE WELT, Germany's largest daily newspaper, critical of the appeasement mentality pervading Europe. Here is a key section:

Only two recent American Presidents had the courage needed for anti-appeasement: Reagan and Bush.

His American critics may quibble over the details, but we Europeans know the truth. We saw it first hand: Ronald Reagan ended the Cold War, freeing half of the German people from nearly 50 years of terror and virtual slavery. And Bush, supported only by the Social Democrat Blair, acting on moral conviction, recognized the danger in the Islamic War against democracy. His place in history will have to be evaluated after a number of years have passed.

In the meantime, Europe sits back with charismatic self-confidence in the multicultural corner, instead of defending liberal society's values and being an attractive center of power on the same playing field as the true great powers, America and China.

On the contrary - we Europeans present ourselves, in contrast to those "arrogant Americans", as the World Champions of "tolerance", which even (Germany's Interior Minister) Otto Schily justifiably criticizes. Why? Because we're so moral? I fear it's more because we're so materialistic, so devoid of a moral compass.

For his policies, Bush risks the fall of the dollar, huge amounts of additional national debt, and a massive and persistent burden on the American economy - because unlike almost all of Europe, Bush realizes what is at stake - literally everything.

As BSPOLITIX.BLOG says, at least one German gets it.

Sunday, February 06, 2005


David Gelernter has a great peice in the Weekly Standard on Disraeli and his role in forming modern conservatism. It is a must read no matter your political persuasion.

Key point relative to our politics:

Two of Disraeli's central interests, patriotism and democracy, were important to George Bush's 2004 victory. In this nation the people and not the courts are meant to lay out the moral and social foundations of society, subject only to constitutional absolutes. When anti-democratic judges and elected officials decide to update America's moral code on their own authority, the people get upset. Democracy in America has been hurt badly where it counts most. Disraeli knew well and said often: Nothing counts more than society's moral foundations. Next to that, all other issues are small change.

Patriotism favors Republicans on a deeper level than many of them seem to realize. No one questions the personal patriotism of Democratic leaders. The real question is different: Where do you rank patriotism as a public virtue? Anyone who has looked at young people nowadays (in the Blue States especially) knows that, since we no longer teach them to be patriotic, many of these Blue State Specials no longer are. No country has the luxury of not speaking up for itself to its own children in its own schools. For a generation and more, we in the wealthy, influential, profoundly self-important Blue Regions have run our schools as if we were too sophisticated for any such low-brow, cornball drivel as teaching children to love their country. If this nation is serious about defeating terrorism, we must teach our children why we fight. From where I stand, we are not doing it--at least, not in Connecticut. The conservative party should be the national party, Disraeli said, and he knew what he was talking about.

Friday, February 04, 2005


Mark Noonan of GOPBloggers has a great piece on a subject I have been thinking a lot about recently.

He points out the disparity of thought between those who "do" (i.e. - the creators of wealth, stuff, society, life, etc.) and the idle classes (i.e. - those who analyze and criticize).

I agree although I have been thinking of it in terms of those who understand risk and reward trade-offs and those who seek a "guarantee" in life. That's why business people, entrepreneurs, farmers and anyone else who seeks to rely on their own initiative tend to be Republicans. Those who seek a risk free environment, like MSM reporters, university professors, public employees, unions, the retired, minorities, etc. tend to vote Democratic.

Naturally, we are all intrigued by guarantees. It's secure and comforting. It's a wonderful fairy tale. So nobody begrudges the elderly not being willing to take the chances as a 25 year old. Thus the basis for the recent varied opinions regarding Social Security.

However, it is craven pandering for Democratic politicians to imply they can deliver rewards without risks. If it sounds too good to be true, it always is. That is why every Democratic soak the rich, spread the wealth scheme ultimately fails. Somebody's pocket has to get picked. There is no free lunch.

It is also why they cannot appreciate the desire by the Iraqi people for freedom. They cannot fathom how anyone would take the risk! The elections will fail, there is no security and all the other bleating nonsense reveals a basic truth. They would never take the chance so why would anyone else. They will always trade freedom for bread.

These are not American thoughts. These are not the sentiments of a people who wish to extend the flame of liberty. Life takes courage. But in our P.C. world, schools don't teach these values. They pander to every group of self-proclaimed victims and undercut the very foundation of the freedoms they demand. They are the attitudes of people too willing to surrender all for a promise of safety. Unfortunately, as history has always shown, those unwilling to take a risk for freedom are destined to lose it.

Thursday, February 03, 2005


Can ANYone tell me why Ron Reagan Jr. has any face time on TV? Who determined that this ungrateful son of a great man, this failed dancer, this smirking boy has anything to say of value?

Mr R. questioned the authenticity of the hug between Safia Taleb al-Suhail, who recently voted in the Iraqi elections, and Janet Norwood, mother of a Marine who died in Iraq. Discussing the most moving moment of the speech last night on MSNBC, the boy genius proffered the opinion that the hug had been pre-arranged by the PR people. He was egged on by the mouth that never stops, Chris Mathews.

How craven are these people? Do they think everyone is like them? That everything is for effect? They could no more imagine this was an honest expression of gratitude and pride than they could understand the reason behind Sgt. Norwood's sacrifice.

They have spent too much time in the toxic environs of DC. They need to get out into the real world where real people live and die and strive and sacrifice. They need to reconnect with their own country and what it stands for. And they need to get off the tube.


President Bush gave a great speech last night. This is one gutsy guy.

He clearly laid his domestic and foreign policy visions. Social security is broken: let's fix it. Syria and Iran are threats: reform. Iraq is developing into the first true mid-east democracy: we will stay as long as needed.

Compare that to the whining Democrats who followed. Reid and Pelosi offered nothing but no, no no,...

They have no plans, no counter arguments, no philosophical foundation. Just no. They looked pathetic. The D party could not have picked two better spokesmen for the Rs. Unless of course, you consider Teddy "One more for the road" Kennedy and John "I really was in Cambodia, before I wasn't" Kerry.

The gulf between the parties has become a political Grand Canyon. One is serious, sober, resolute and patriotic. The other is ridiculous, phony, treasonous and lame. Calling them simply pathetic is charitable.

It is fascinating to watch the disintegration of a major American institution. As someone who has keen love of history it is sad. As a republican, it's all good.

Sunday, January 30, 2005


No, it has nothing to do with our own erstwhile American political party (or what's left of it).

Rather it refers to the resounding success of the Iraqi elections. What a tribute to the brave people of Iraq, our magnificent troops and the President's fortitude.

It is also an inglorious refutation of the "chicken little" Dems here at home like Kennedy, Boxer, Kerry, Biden, Dayton, Dean, etc. They not only got it 100% wrong but have maligned the spirit and history of what once was a great party that promoted justice and liberty.

Fortunately, even their lies and cynical hot air cannot detract from this momentous event.


Officials at the Rotterdam Film Festival have murdered Theo Van Gogh a second time.

First, an Islamofascist thug killed the Dutch filmmaker a few months ago. But now the good folks of Rotterdam have seen fit to cancel a screening of his film "SUBMISSION" citing security concerns.

Another cowardly Euro espression of freedom of speech.


Friday, January 28, 2005


Everyone should take a look at this fine salute to our troops.

You will never see or hear about scenes like these in the MSM.

Sunday, January 23, 2005


That's Barbara Boxer for those not from California.

GOPBloggers ask where is the outrage from the outrageous senator.

...As paid Democrat activists are to be charged with felonies for their attempt to keep Republicans from voting on Election Day in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The paid Democrat activists "will be accused of cutting the tires of some 20 vans and cars rented by the state Republican Party to usher the party faithful to and from the polls on election day."

Hmmmm. I guess we'll have to wait and see the true depth of the good senator's committment to justice.

HINT: Don't hold your breath!

Saturday, January 22, 2005


The Democratic party looks as though it is moving in the direction of annointing Howard Dean as head of the DNC.

As a card carrying, conservative Republican all I can say is YES!

If I were a mainstream Democrat, I'd be worried. Or at least planning to reregister.

Friday, January 21, 2005


The President gave a magnificent speech yesterday, setting the tone and agenda he believes America must pursue. He was eloquent, inspiring and direct. Perhaps too direct for liberals, who prefer nuance.

One thing this past election campaign made clear is that liberals disdain committment. Particularly to core values. (Remember the election?) They do not mind grand, nuanced pronouncements but will never sacrifice their own comfort or safety for a greater good. They have no hesitation telling you how to live your life and what to believe but only so long as they are the ones dictating the rules. They cannot accept discordant voices or views that actually challenge them to do something. They can always nuance their way to see past threats.

But that leaves them with nothing with which to draw attention to themselves. Wait!. We have the old standby, that great bugaboo for every problem: America itself!

America is to blame for everything. Famine, AIDS, volcanoes, meteors and the loss of the dinosaurs. Of course. It's those nasty capitalist, God squad yahoos from red America who did it all.

Thus, they deride Mr. Bush for calling for an end to tyranny, just as they derided President Reagan for pronouncing the Soviet Union an "evil empire". They would rather wail about mythical oppression of gays, woman, three toed sloths and minorities in America (where they are of course free to publish such tripe) than remember those true heroes who languish in Fidel's gualag or women who are forced into virtual slavery in Iran.

No, those tyrants they can excuse. So long as they are safe and prosperous. It's all so nuanced. Sort of like how the French behave. Free to sit back and pursue machiavellian schemes with dictators while proclaiming liberty, quality and fraternity.

These hypocrites deserve no attention. Liberals past would blanch at their accommodation with evil. But it is of minor consequence. Nobody listens anymore to these self absorbed, "look at me" crybabies who refuse to grow up. Their hypocrisy is pathetic and laughable. They live in their own bubble of un-reality and cannot recognize plain truth when it right before them. They are blinded by their own nuance.

But for the benefit of those without the wit or soul to discern what is imporant, I offer the President's words from yesterday's address. Read and repeat as needed. Until you understand.

"It is the policy of the United States to seek and support the growth of democratic movements and institutions in every nation and culture, with the ultimate goal of ending tyranny in our world."

What could be more plain? Or more true.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005


So Dr. Rice how big is Senator Boxer's brain?

Thursday, January 13, 2005


Senator Ted Kennedy at the National Press Club:

"We as Democrats may be in the minority in Congress, but we speak for the majority of Americans."

OH! NOW I understand how democracy works. Term limits look better and better.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005


No, not a hiccupping sound or other bodily emanation. It stands for Voice Over Internet Protocol and it's the hottest thing coming through your broadband connection. Flat rate local and long distance calling. In some cases it's free.

I am currently using SKYPE (free if calling other SKYPE users). It sounds great. Vonage is another provider. Even the big guys are getting into it. AT&T, Verizon, SBC and Comcast are launching service.

Check it out.

Saturday, January 08, 2005


It POURS! Hole in the roof. Call the roofer. Four days later call returned. Can't come by until NEXT week.

Friday, January 07, 2005


From James Taranto and the WSJ Opinion Journal:

Barbara Boxer, the lone senator to object to the election result, has resorted to crying in an attempt to get her way. The Washington Times, meanwhile, reports that Boxer is on the defensive over the connection between her challenge and full-bodied filmmaker Michael Moore's agitprop piece "Fahrenheit 9/11." She insists the dreadful documentary "had nothing to do with what I'm doing now."

But Boxer acknowledges that, as the Times puts it, " 'Fahrenheit 9/11' gave her guilt feelings about her deference to Vice President Al Gore's request that his Democratic colleagues not contest the Electoral College count over the disputed 2000 race in Florida."

Those who objected to the election result insisted they knew their effort would not succeed and their purpose was merely to urge Congress to reform the election system. Bring it on, says reader Dave Clark:

I hope the Republicans will respond to the grandstanding of Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones and the rest of the Congressional Black Caucus. This is a great opportunity to advance comprehensive election reforms that include some kind of uniform voter ID in every state. Election reforms could eliminate the huge advantage Democrats have in urban areas where there are more voters than the adult census population, like Philadelphia, Milwaukee and St. Louis. It could also track voters who use the absentee ballot provision to vote twice in different states. Could the Democrats win Pennsylvania if voting was cleaned up in Philadelphia?

Be careful what you wish for . . .


Has anyone stupider than Barbar Boxer EVER served in the United States Senate? I am open to nominations if you know of any. But I doubt it.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005


As usual, Mark Steyn is spot on re: the comments from a former British cabinet official hostile to the U.S. She complained only the UN had the "moral authority" to help the tsunami victims.

State-of-the-art buoys measuring temperature and water level don't cost that much, nor would a chain of monitoring offices. If you're to have a permanent U.N. bureaucracy, that would seem the perfect role for a transnational body.
But, after 60 years, the neocolonial viceroys of Big Humanitarianism would rather maintain the developing countries as permanently helpless children and lecture the advanced world on its tax rates. If Clare Short's right and Mr. Bush is intentionally bypassing the U.N., good for him.

Monday, January 03, 2005


Arnold Kling of Tech Central Station makes a compelling argument about the future direction of society, due to the spread of technology and the ubiquity of opportunity it creates.

Saturday, January 01, 2005


Happy New Year!

Time to look ahead. This could be a great year. Numerous opportunities to untangle long term problems appear on the horizon. That is if we don't screw it up. If not, then I predict:

- Iraqi elections will be a success and lead to fast changes throughout the Middle East.
- The new Iraqi government will move to crush the terrorists.
- Israel and the Palestinians will finally start to get serious now that Arafat is dead.
- Indonesia and the other countries affected by the tsunami will rebound stronger than ever.
- The U.S. economy will continue to grow. That will cut the deficit and boost the dollar which will stabilize back to $1.20 to the Euro by year end. (Contrary to the conventional wisdom spewing from the MSM pundits).
- Oil will drop to $34 / barrel by March and stay there.
- Chief Justice Rehnquist will retire and President Bush will nominate Justice Scalia to replace him.
- Hillary will start to make moves to run for president but sensible Dems will start to coalesce around a centrist to block her.
- New 3G phones will start to appear and video over the phone will be a killer app.
- Arnold will continue to kick the "girly men" in the Calif. legislature around.
- Boston will not repeat as Series champs, thus starting another "curse".
- The DJIA will end 2005 over 13,000; the NASDAQ will cross 4,000.

Remember you heard it here first.