Sunday, May 22, 2005


We've come to expect outlandish nonsense from those in the so-called entertainment industry, especially at self congratulatory events like the Cannes Film Festival, but this takes the cake.

Danish director LARS VON TRIER shocked crowds at the CANNES FILM FESTIVAL yesterday (18MAY05), when he branded US President GEORGE W BUSH "an a**hole" and launched into a bitter tirade against globalisation.

The DANCER IN THE DARK film-maker, who has been promoting his new film MANDERLAY at the movie showcase, hit out when he was asked why his movies take an anti-American stance.

Von Trier said, "Mr Bush is an a**hole. So much in Denmark is American. We are a nation under influence.

"America fills about 60 per cent of my brain. So, in fact, I am American.

"But I can't go there to vote and I can't change anything, because I am from a small country. So that is why I make films about America."

So, it's America's fault this a**hole that nobody has ever heard of can't stop making insulting tripe that nobody will ever see about the only country willing to defend his right to produce this manure.

Oh, now I get it.

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