Wednesday, February 28, 2007


So did anyone watch the Oscars?

Didn't think so. Neither did I. And now I am especially glad I did not, given that Slick Willie's former veep won an award for his hot air docu-propaganda. Not exactly a surprise. After all, who else would a bunch of pompous losers choose to celebrate other than the biggest loser of the decade?

The best part is, now after all the talk of his enviro-creds, it is reported he lives in a humongous shack back in Tennessee, that use 20 TIMES the energy of your standard  working stiff's home. Plus this is only one of three  palaces Mr. Clean  owns.

Oh, hypocrisy thy name is left wing, liberal Democratic assholes. There should be special award just for them. I mean besides the Oscars.  Those used to be for films, before they were hijacked by politically correct Hollywood fascists.

But who to choose for the award? There are some real contenders! Suggest away.

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